True confidence is not found in the mirror until it is settled in the soul.

Most women HATE, HIDE or get HUNG UP on their appearance, but you can have CONFIDENT BEAUTY, which doesn’t wear off like makeup does!

It’s time to Know Who You Are! Discover your personal Image Identity (or Img.ID) and how to accomplish your best look. This is the secret to finding true and lasting confidence.

Like flowers, Confident Beauty comes in a diverse array of shapes and styles:

  • Dramatic Img.ID (Exotic, like the Bird of Paradise or Protea)
  • Natural Img.ID (Casual like a Daisy)
  • Romantic Img.ID (Glamorous, like an Orchid)
  • Gamine Img.ID (Bold, like a Calla Lilly)
  • Ingénue Img.ID (Delicate, like the Baby’s Breath)
  • Classic Img.ID  (Refined, like a-Rose)

You don’t need to compare yourself to others any more! Nor do you need to spend a fortune on fashion, products and services that do not complement your authentic style.


  • Confident Beauty is INFLUENTIAL but INVITING.
  • Confident Beauty knows which FASHIONS to follow and which ones to leave on the runway.
  • Confident Beauty knows how to achieve her BEST LOOK so she can forget about her appearance and focus on others.
  • CONFIDENT BEAUTY is tremendously attractive!
To learn more about message of Confident Beauty, consider having a Supreme MakeOver with your friends, associations or colleagues. 

A Supreme MakeOver (SMO) is more than a wardrobe change, new hairstyle or makeup application.

It is the breaking free from the way we HATE our bodies, HIDE our hearts or get HUNG UP on how we look. It is liberation from the vows that men, media and mom have encouraged us to make regarding what we believe about ourselves.

Or contact me directly to plan a Supreme MakeOver event of your own! 

“I hated even the word ‘beauty’ before my Supreme MakeOver. I didn’t think I had it, and I thought wanting it was wrong. After learning my Img.ID and how to look my personal best, I have become free from shame and comparison. I am now confident, energetic and more compassionate toward others.”  Leona, 62, Massachusetts

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